Changing Gear - Uranus Direct
Feel a shift in the ether this week? Chances are you felt something, with the last full Moon of 2013 joining mighty Jupiter (17th December) in curious, restless Gemini. If that didn't frazzle or excite your emotions then perhaps Uranus shifting gears had more of an impact? The rabble-rouser, who adores change, freedom and all things shiny and new, is currently in pioneering and sprightly Aries. This combination simply bursts with activity - Uranus encourages innovation and the alternative, which suits Aries' taste for getting the ball rolling on fresh projects. Uranus promotes individualism and freedom while Aries is often me-first with a impatient streak - there's really no holding back.
Indeed, excitement reigned when Uranus entered this Sign in 2011 - particularly for Aries themselves (and those with prominent Aries in their birth charts), as well as Aquarians, ruled by Uranus. It seemed this pairing had the potential to change the world for the better, inciting the masses to revolution, reforming outdated laws and customs and inspiring individual breakthroughs and collective change. However, around mid July 2013, Uranus got into a spot of bother and hesitated before retracing its steps. This certainly wasn't welcomed by forward-marching Aries! Those born in late March and early April have probably felt most frustrated but everyone, to a degree (no pun intended), will have experienced some form of setback or doubt in the second half of this year. Maybe you had plans to be somewhere new by now, a new job, residence or location. Maybe you wanted to take up a new hobby or interest or to put a different spin on old routines. Perhaps you wanted to return to study or keep-fit or just do something a little out of the ordinary or maybe even take part in grander revolutions. But alas, it hasn't quite come to fruition. Divine Timing is probably the best adage to adopt; sure, Uranus wants to electrify the world with the amazing and unusual, to break the chains of restraint and oppression, but sometimes we simply aren't ready.
The good news? Uranus has resumed direct motion, as of 17th December, coinciding with that powerful Gemini Full Moon conjunct Jupiter - and probably some sort of emotional outburst or energetic release! The bad news? Uranus may be raring to go in zesty Aries, after five months, but Mars is standing in direct opposition. That's one combination ripe for confrontation! The result is that impatience and reckless behaviour can take hold now, propelling some into combative and disruptive acts. If you find yourself caught up in such a frenzy, take a breath and a step back to put things in perspective. Change doesn't have to be enforced today, whether it's personal or part of a collective endeavour. On the plus side, this opposition can help with confronting inequality, particularly in relationships with Mars in Libra. And it will resolve before the year is out!
With a new year just around the corner this is essentially perfect cosmic timing.
Enjoy the festive celebrations, whatever that entails, relax and recuperate over the holidays and then get ready to tap into that dynamic Uranus-Aries energy for 2014. It's almost time to shake off those old chains and resume your plans for all things!
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