A Collective Paradigm Shift - Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius
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March 2023 marked a significant turning point for humanity, particularly for those individuals ready and willing to embrace change, as we experience two major shifts in planetary transits. Saturn, planet of boundaries, structure, limitations, and endings, moves from Aquarius into the last Zodiac Sign of Pisces, while Pluto, planet of completion, destruction, transformation and rebirth, moves from Capricorn into Aquarius. Together, this pair symbolises an important shift in our collective awareness, as well as our attitudes, beliefs and priorities in the coming years and decades.
Saturn in Pisces ♄➡️♓
Saturn moved into Pisces on March 7th 2023, where it will stay until May 2025. It had been in Aquarius since 2020, one of its home Signs that it traditionally ruled along with Capricorn, where it felt quite comfortable and coincided with the implementation of new structures (and certain endings) in the fields of technology, science and humanitarianism. With Saturn now in the last Water Sign of Pisces, it may feel out of its depth - or find opportunities to establish new kinds of creative structures and healthy emotional boundaries, while lending its authority, realism and wisdom to the more ethereal nature of Pisces.
Saturn was once considered the last planet in the Solar System, until Uranus was discovered in 1781 (followed by Neptune, Pluto and now a growing number of dwarf planets). Pisces is the last Zodiac Sign and so, together, they concern all manner of endings and finishing up matters, particularly karmic issues, which is partly Saturn's domain. As Saturn completes its current cycle through the Zodiac, we're likely to see the completion of or endings to some collective issues, as well as more personal ones, in particular those that arose around 30 years ago. These endings may feel right for many, finding greater acceptance and manifesting more readily - if not with a sense of bittersweet nostalgia.
Saturn in Pisces 1994 - 1996
When Saturn last transited Pisces, from around February 1994 to April 1996, Nelson Mandela made history by becoming the first black president of South Africa. He was considered a symbol of national unity - a quality often attributed to Pisces, the Sign of dissolving boundaries and coming together to recognise our similarities. Sadly, it also coincided with the Oklahoma City bombing, carried out by two former U.S. Army soldiers, associated with an extreme right-wing and militant Patriot movement. Such extremism, particularly relating to religion, spirituality and causes that unite people, can manifest as the darker side of Pisces - more so when a Planet like Saturn is in transit, which can evoke fear-based and deadly actions. In quite different news, the popular 90's boy-band Take That announced their split during this transit, which united so many fans in grief that the UK government set up a counselling hotline to help people cope.
Although many other major events happened during this time, these three are good examples of how Saturn (authority, government, restrictions, endings, fear, brutality) can manifest itself in Pisces (compassion, unity, escapism, healing, grief, fanaticism, loss).
Although many other major events happened during this time, these three are good examples of how Saturn (authority, government, restrictions, endings, fear, brutality) can manifest itself in Pisces (compassion, unity, escapism, healing, grief, fanaticism, loss).
Saturn in Pisces 2023-2026
What might we expect from the current transit of Saturn in Pisces? Although history tends to repeat itself, like planetary cycles, events are always going to be different each time around, but we will certainly see Saturn in Pisces themes play out on the world stage again.
The dissolution of boundaries and a fear of chaos are heightened during this time, so we could see a resurfacing of religious extremism, or large groups of people united in fearful and fanatical behaviour, particularly those who demand authority and struggle without concrete rules. But we can also anticipate the flipside of Saturn in Pisces, whereby people are united in peace, creativity, healing and love, perhaps spurred on by actions that initially cause grief or loss, while reminding us of our shared heritage, strengths and similarities.
We may see a notable rise in charitable organisations and aide during this time, perhaps an increasing number of ordinary people fundraising or volunteering to help those in need, such as refugees, or a large-scale disaster that inspires many of us to pool our resources to help. Pisces is associated with healing the collective, especially on the emotional and soul levels, so there may be more people seeking psychotherapeutic treatments or practices that help deal with emotional distress. Similarly, creative and artistic outlets like painting, singing, dancing and acting, could become increasingly popular or prevalent now, as a way to help people comprehend and express complex emotional states.
The dissolution of boundaries and a fear of chaos are heightened during this time, so we could see a resurfacing of religious extremism, or large groups of people united in fearful and fanatical behaviour, particularly those who demand authority and struggle without concrete rules. But we can also anticipate the flipside of Saturn in Pisces, whereby people are united in peace, creativity, healing and love, perhaps spurred on by actions that initially cause grief or loss, while reminding us of our shared heritage, strengths and similarities.
We may see a notable rise in charitable organisations and aide during this time, perhaps an increasing number of ordinary people fundraising or volunteering to help those in need, such as refugees, or a large-scale disaster that inspires many of us to pool our resources to help. Pisces is associated with healing the collective, especially on the emotional and soul levels, so there may be more people seeking psychotherapeutic treatments or practices that help deal with emotional distress. Similarly, creative and artistic outlets like painting, singing, dancing and acting, could become increasingly popular or prevalent now, as a way to help people comprehend and express complex emotional states.
The ringed planet is often associated with limitations and restrictions, whereas Pisces prefers the freedom to dream and wander. This apparent contradiction could manifest in many types of limits and restrictions being lifted at this time (for better or worse) or alternatively we may feel driven to establish new kinds of boundaries, especially emotional ones that can lead to healthier relationships - whether that's on a personal level or regarding certain groups or organisations that normally clash.
Saturn also represents reality and being grounded by authority, rules, discipline and work, whereas Pisces prefers dreaming, imagination, creativity and fantasy. This could mean a harsh reality-check for some, related to authority figures or their jobs, but also opportunities to make our dreams become a reality. This will apply to the collective as well, such as fallacies and deceptions being exposed through Saturn's tests, particularly for those involved in religious, spiritual and alternative healing practices; we must present ourselves with authenticity and rigour during this time or face the consequences. But it's also a great time for the more abstract artistic and creative types to produce some ground-breaking work, as well as those providing alternative healing therapies to experience some necessary breakthroughs and recognition.
Saturn also represents reality and being grounded by authority, rules, discipline and work, whereas Pisces prefers dreaming, imagination, creativity and fantasy. This could mean a harsh reality-check for some, related to authority figures or their jobs, but also opportunities to make our dreams become a reality. This will apply to the collective as well, such as fallacies and deceptions being exposed through Saturn's tests, particularly for those involved in religious, spiritual and alternative healing practices; we must present ourselves with authenticity and rigour during this time or face the consequences. But it's also a great time for the more abstract artistic and creative types to produce some ground-breaking work, as well as those providing alternative healing therapies to experience some necessary breakthroughs and recognition.
Loss is also another Saturn in Pisces theme and although there are always people experiencing loss, it might feel much more pronounced during this transit. As Saturn is death and endings and Pisces is concerned with the afterlife and spiritual realm, those who do experience loss during this time may feel it more profoundly. On a collective level, many could lose their faith or sense of direction now, perhaps due to some stark revelations or harsh truths. However, we can also work with Saturn in Pisces to initiate beneficial endings, such as breaking away from a damaged relationship or circumstances that no longer serve our best interests. Sometimes, if we struggle or even refuse to let go of what is necessary, endings are brought about for us - this normally occurs when we succumb to Saturn's fears or the chaos of Pisces, such as refusing to change, shutting ourselves off or using escapism and nostalgia to avoid confronting loss or a difficult truth or reality. Saturn in Pisces is also an opportunity for us to find ways of accepting death and the timely ending of things.
Whatever the manifestation of Saturn's transit through Pisces, remember that there is always the potential for both benefits and challenges, depending on the choices we make and our actions. In typical astrological fashion (or perhaps as divinely orchestrated), Saturn will enter a retrograde period in 2025, meaning it will return to Pisces between August of 2025 and February 2026. So we can already assume that not everyone will have an easy time accepting certain changes and endings and this retrograde reprise should help bring those matters to a close.
Saturn in Pisces for each Zodiac Sign
Pisces (and those born with personal planets in those Signs) will experience the most direct changes and consequences of this transit, with a more concentrated and personalised period when Saturn conjuncts your Sun (or personal planet). Saturn in your Sign can often struggle to express itself, being concerned with harsh realities, work, authority, discipline and boundaries. But it can also find time to rest and ease up on some of its stricter tendencies. It's an ideal period for maturation and opportunities to gain wisdom and deep insight, especially if you learn how to integrate Saturn's tougher lessons with your own compassionate, artistic and intuitive nature. For instance, you could employ more discipline and realism to better structure your life or find a viable outlet for creative or healing work. Increased responsibilities are also very likely now, whether from a job promotion, in your home life, your health or with your family and relationships. If you feel pressure from any of these responsibilities, or even find them unwelcome, tap into your innate compassion and see it as an opportunity to help others, as well as gaining some personal growth. If you experience loss, seek out ways to help you come to terms with and accept endings. Saturn can be a rather heavy presence and sometimes too real and pessimistic for sensitive souls, so remember to prioritise time for fun now. Connect more with your friends and schedule plenty of time for hobbies that you really enjoy or whatever makes you laugh and smile.
Taurus and Capricorn (and those born with personal planets in those Signs) will mostly feel supported by Saturn's transit of Pisces, particularly Capricorn. It's the perfect time to focus on building new and beneficial relationships, especially in work, as well as setting healthy boundaries in your personal relationships, as problems will be easier to resolve now. It's also an ideal time for more creative jobs and hobbies, as well as any health concerns or conditions that have been bothering you, with opportunities to find support through alternative therapies and practices now. If you experience loss during this transit, for instance, a death, losing your job or a relationship ending, it may unexpectedly help you to feel freer, perhaps from an inheritance, releasing emotional blockages or finally allowing you to move on to pastures new.
For Cancer and Scorpio (and those born with personal planets in those Signs), this transit can bring a sense of harmony and ease. You may find your close relationships improving now, thanks to an intuitive understanding of others' needs, allowing you to experience more meaningful connections. New relationships established during this period will have a solid foundation and perhaps blossom into something more significant. There can also be opportunities to finally heal some old emotional wounds or trauma now, allowing you to move forward. It's also an ideal time to think about anything you wish to release, tying up loose ends and resolving any personal conflicts. Whatever ends for you now will likely feel right and you will be able to accept loss or any endings with a sense of gratitude and bittersweet feelings.
Gemini and Sagittarius (and those born with personal planets in those Signs) will likely feel more challenged by Saturn in Pisces. This is not to say you will only have difficult experiences, but you may struggle to deal with certain limitations and endings in your life right now. These are not insurmountable, however, as you will still be able to find ways of freeing yourself from whatever circumstances are holding you back. Perhaps a little more soul-searching is required, as well as being frank and honest with yourself - and others - about what you really want now. Being Mutable Signs, tapping into your natural adaptability will be immensely helpful during this transit. If you feel pressured or burdened into making changes,
or even isolated, reach out to others for help and remember to let go of fear and uncertainty.
For Virgo (and those born with personal planets in that Sign), it's time to confront any and all circumstances that have been holding you back lately. Opportunities and solutions to help free you from limitations may present themselves now, but these will not necessarily be obvious - or you may simply be unwilling to accept them. Experiencing an emotional breakthrough now may grant you a new lease of life or help you to overcome resistance. If you're feeling drained or pessimistic, try to view your situation from the opposite perspective, or at least with some objectivity, to find a solution. Timing may not be right for you to fulfil certain ambitions now, but you are capable of being patient and adaptable. Keep a close eye on your health at this time; refine your diet and fitness and avail of some alternative therapies.
Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius (and those born with personal planets in those Signs) may not notice anything significant relating to this transit - although Aquarians, being co-ruled by Saturn, may have a more notable experience. There can be minor misunderstandings or hiccups now, particularly regarding your sense of freedom and independence, as well as having to make changes or accept certain endings. You may be irritated by restrictions resulting from changes to your working pattern, new commitments or a niggling health issue. These can mostly be resolved with a little patience and understanding, as well as learning to tap into the more intuitive nature of Pisces to help express your feelings. You may find trying some alternative healing therapies or exploring your creative side to be very beneficial now. Whatever transpires, try to go with the flow as best you can and look for the positives.
Pluto in Aquarius ♇➡️♒
Pluto shifts from earthly Capricorn to the last of the Air Signs, Aquarius, on March 23rd 2023. This is a more impactful and long-lasting transit, no doubt with far-reaching consequences for humanity. You could say that Pluto is easing us gently into this transit, with an initial brief visit between 23rd March and 11th June 2023, followed by a slightly longer stay from January 22nd to September 1st 2024, before finally immersing us in the new paradigm on November 20th 2024 all the way until January 2044!
Pluto is known as a generational planet because it takes much longer to transit one Zodiac Sign (due its long orbital period of 248 years) and so it relates more to issues affecting an entire generation. Consequently, it often coincides with notable historical events when it shifts Signs, thus we are likely to experience such an event(s), as it gradually transitions from Capricorn to Aquarius between now and 2024.
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, breaking down and transforming issues relating to government and authority, the corporate world and banking, construction and the use of power and control in general. This was made most obvious during the global financial crisis of 2008, as well as the many complex societal issues that resulted from the Covid pandemic in more recent years. It has also coincided with the rise and dominance of plutocrats and oligarchs in our society (those who derive power from their wealth and privilege), as well as increasing instability in the banking world again in recent months.
As Pluto will move back and forth over the last degree of Capricorn until November 2024, known as the anaretic degree of fate, destructive power and endings, we will witness a few more significant and final events related to this transit before its Aquarian journey truly begins.
As Pluto will move back and forth over the last degree of Capricorn until November 2024, known as the anaretic degree of fate, destructive power and endings, we will witness a few more significant and final events related to this transit before its Aquarian journey truly begins.
Pluto in Aquarius 1778 - 1798
No one alive today has experienced a Pluto in Aquarius transit, given that its previous visit to this Sign was during the 18th Century. However, as Pluto was only discovered in 1930, this is the first time we are experiencing its transit of Aquarius with awareness, perhaps adding another layer of significance.
So what happened last time Pluto moved through Aquarius? Given that Pluto is associated with our subconscious drives and motives (the Underworld), as well as destroying and transforming what's outdated, it's always easier to spot significant changes that occurred after it has transited a particular Sign. Aquarius is associated with the people, humanitarian causes, rebellions and revolutionaries, as well as inventors, innovators and mavericks, new science, technology and progress.
When we consider the late-1700 period of the last transit, the most serendipitous incident was perhaps the discovery of Uranus in 1781, by William Herschel, which later became the modern ruler of Aquarius itself. Some may already have noticed that the French Revolution (the overthrowing of the French monarchy) and the American Revolution (American colonies breaking away from British rule to form the United States) both occurred during this transit, which are perfect examples of Pluto (transformation and rebirth following destruction) in Aquarius (revolution and change for the people).
When we consider the late-1700 period of the last transit, the most serendipitous incident was perhaps the discovery of Uranus in 1781, by William Herschel, which later became the modern ruler of Aquarius itself. Some may already have noticed that the French Revolution (the overthrowing of the French monarchy) and the American Revolution (American colonies breaking away from British rule to form the United States) both occurred during this transit, which are perfect examples of Pluto (transformation and rebirth following destruction) in Aquarius (revolution and change for the people).
The Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade, or the Abolition Society, was also founded during this period, in 1787. Campaigners in Britain sought to end the buying and selling of human beings, making the slave trade illegal and banning British ships from taking part, essentially appealing to society's emerging humanitarian values at the time. However, it was only the beginning of a long battle, as the Slavery Abolition Act wasn't actually passed until 1833.
Although unrelated to the Aquarius transit, another interesting note about Pluto is that the radioactive chemical element plutonium was first synthetically produced in 1940 - just ten years after the planet's discovery.
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 - 2043
What might we expect from a 21st Century Pluto in Aquarius transit? As Pluto moves back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius, until 2024, we will see prominent Capricorn-themed issues come to a head, particularly regarding the fate of corrupt individuals, organisations, institutions and so on, such as the arrest or trials of those who've abused their positions of power and committed fraud.
The emphasis will then be on social progress and transforming social structures, empowering the people and championing humanitarian causes over greedy corporations and elitists. Our focus will largely turn to resolving inequalities and injustices, with a likely rise in protests, uprising and rebellions, as people fight for equality and freedom from those with too much power and control (overthrowing the previous rule of Capricorn plutocrats, oligarchs, institutions, etc.) This could result in some shocking but significant revolutions in the coming decades.
Another manifestation of this transit will likely see the growing prevalence of AI (artificial intelligence), with its potential to greatly enhance and benefit our society in surprising and even shocking ways, perhaps creating new kinds of threats, such as the possibility of artificial overlords. Indeed, our use of technology in general will undergo more dramatic changes during this period, transforming our society in outstanding and perhaps frightening ways. We may see ideas like transhumanism rise to the fore, with some wishing to artificially enhance, extend or even transcend their biological forms. Remember that Pluto rules the Underworld (our deepest and darkest collective fears), which must be confronted and overcome in order to avail of Pluto's potential and ultimate transformation and rebirth.
We should also see notable developments in the aviation and Space industries (another Aquarius domain), such as new modes of transport, Space travel and tourism becoming more prevalent and of course some unexpected and innovative developments, perhaps progress with teleportation or other unusual ways of getting around.
Similarly, we will likely see noteworthy developments in scientific fields, such as quantum mechanics, regarding issues like dark matter and dark energy, retrocausality, quantum entanglement and tunnelling, etc. These discoveries will help fundamentally change our understanding of life and the cosmos, having lasting effects on the collective psyche of humanity (leading us into Pluto's next transit of the final Zodiac Sign, Pisces!) But let's not get ahead of ourselves...
Pluto in Aquarius for each Zodiac Sign
Aquarians (and those born with personal planets in those Signs) will obviously experience the most direct changes and consequences of this transit, with a concentrated and more personalised period during Pluto's conjunction to your Sun (or personal planet). At this time you will be asked to put the past behind you, eliminate what is no longer necessary and release any personal baggage that's holding you back from progress. Therefore, you will likely experience certain endings in your life, perhaps at home, in relationships or with work (depending on which House Pluto is transiting in your birth chart). It's the proverbial closing of one chapter and beginning of a new one, so don't be afraid to embrace the vital opportunities for personal transformation now. As a Fixed Sign, you often prefer consistency and for things to remain the same, but this simply won't fly during a Pluto transit. Simply having this awareness could help you find ways to cope with whatever changes occur now - remember that you're also the most inventive and innovative of the Signs. Ultimately, Pluto wants you to find your inner strength, the source of your personal power, by venturing into the Underworld. Thus you may find yourself having to stand your ground, or stand up for your beliefs, fight for your rights or sense of freedom or encounter conflicts that test your self-assurance. Whatever occurs for you now, try to remain focused on the ultimate goal of personal growth and transformation.
Both Aries and Sagittarius (and those born with personal planets in those Signs) will generally feel supported by Pluto's transit of Aquarius. During this time, you may find ways to overcome certain fears and self-limiting beliefs, as well as people or circumstances that have been holding you back lately. whether consciously or otherwise. This is a time of personal regeneration and fully committing to your true purpose in this lifetime, so anyone or anything that has been interfering with that process will likely be exposed now. Try to let go of any anger or resentment and instead embrace opportunities for progress. Your need to succeed will be strong now and you'll have the necessary energy to make changes that will shape your identity and future circumstances for the better.
Taurus and Scorpio (and those born with personal planets in those Signs) may experience more of a challenge from this transit of Pluto, but the benefits and outcome will be equally rewarding. You may find certain fears or unhealthy desires resurfacing, though don't be afraid that you're experiencing setbacks because now is the time to finally face and overcome these issues. If you feel something is too complex, intense or deep-rooted to face or overcome alone, reach out for help, particularly from professionals and specialists who might recommend some transformative methods to assist you. It's also possible that you may have to confront those with power over you, such as authority figures or manipulative people in your life. It's time for you to reclaim your personal power and embrace your innate strengths.
For Gemini and Libra (and those born with personal planets in those Signs), Pluto's transit will generally bring about opportunities for harmonious transformation, regarding whatever areas of life are highlighted in your birth chart. During this period, your core purpose in this lifetime may be highlighted and you will finally be able to make progress with some long-held ambitions. You may find it easier to resolve any personal conflicts or issues now that have been holding you back, such as overcoming self-sabotaging beliefs or getting rid of controlling and manipulative people. Those who are keen to assist you may come to the fore now, making it easier to get ahead. It's a time of personal empowerment and self-renewal, finding and embracing your inner strengths and finally fulfilling your hopes for the future.
Leo (and those born with personal planets in that Sign) opposes Aquarius and so you may find this period quite demanding. You could start to feel powerless because of certain people or circumstances now, which will push you to take greater control over your life. Consequently, there could be power struggles with others, as you'll have little tolerance for those who oppose your ambitions or wishes. The desire to be assertive is stronger at this time and if you have a clear goal or purpose, you can make real progress now. Be mindful of how you work with others and strive for common ground and compromise to achieve the best outcome. Facing whatever comes your way will strengthen your resolve and although encounters and experiences may be intense, you'll be rewarded with breakthroughs and a deeper awareness.
Finally, Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces (and those born with personal planets in those Signs) will encounter the same themes as everyone else, such as facing fears, moving on and transforming certain areas of your life and self, though perhaps in a less direct and intense way. This can be a time of opportunity and release, more so if you're ready and willing to deal with any personal traumas or weaknesses that have been holding you back. Similarly, if you actively engage with any difficult relationships or circumstances now this can lead to some truly transformative experiences, helping you to overcome psychological barriers that finally allow you to move forward. A willingness to let go of the past will also help you restore a sense of balance in your life, expanding your self-knowledge and realigning you with your path.
However challenging or stimulating we might find these transits in the coming years and decades, remember that the ultimate goal is transformation and rebirth - not just of our individual selves, but society in general and for the collective human experience (although the consequences of that will only become apparent after Pluto completes its 248-year cycle of the Zodiac in 2069!) Until then, we must each take responsibility for our own actions and attitudes, as well as helping others strive for courage and authenticity. We must embrace progress, change our damaging beliefs and habits and help create a better world for all species - only then can we truly transform as a whole.
NB. Personal Planets: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are considered Personal Planets in astrology. When a transiting planet, in this case Saturn and Pluto, forms an aspect to one or more Personal Planets in your birth chart, it highlights issues relating to that planet and its House, as well as the House of the transiting planet. For example, Pluto transiting your 1st House might form a sextile (60 degrees) to your Moon in the 3rd House, highlighting emotional issues that involve your siblings, neighbourhood or early education, leading to significant changes in those relationships and areas of life, as well as an ultimate personal transformation. If you're unfamiliar with your birth chart, or transits, ask an astrologer to help you identify which Houses and planets are involved in the Saturn and Pluto transits for greater insights.
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