Facing Fears, Breaking Free - Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in 2013
There's little doubt that waves of transformation are sweeping our planet and race at this time. Are you experiencing the return of old issues and fears or perhaps new ones? Do you have a strong desire for change without clear direction? Are things ending in different areas of your life (relationships, jobs, circumstances) despite any efforts to maintain them? Do you want to let go of old habits and patterns but simultaneously fear new alternatives? It's a lot to manage. And it's unlikely you're alone in feeling this way.
We're creatures of habit and routine. When these are shook up, we can't help but feel unsettled. So who or what is shaking us and why? If we were living in more superstitious times, we might imagine that some agitated deities are playing with our lives, creating mischief and unrest maybe for their own entertainment or perhaps with a touch of wisdom, knowing that ultimately these changes will serves us for the greater good. Being subjected to them, however, can feel anything but good. Not many of us have psychic abilities refined enough to see that everything will eventually work out fine so we simply get caught up in the drama and turmoil of the moment. So let's say there are certain deities currently causing havoc in our lives; we might call them Saturn, lord of karma, fears, challenges and endings, Uranus, lord of upheaval, change, freedom and newness and Pluto, lord of destruction, transformation and power. What a trio!
Since February 2013, lord Saturn has been taking a detour through the deep and watery depths of Scorpio. This detour basically involves retracing his steps. Consequently, many of us might find ourselves doing the same now - albeit reluctantly. It's a bit of pain to have to repeat things, especially when the nature of life is to evolve and progress and we appear to always be moving forward in time; none of us really like to revise, resit, redo or re-anything! Yet this is precisely what we're facing, until mid-July of this year. Have you experienced set-backs over the last few months? Maybe you've had to do something over again, face an issue you thought had been resolved or an illness considered healed, a relationship that had ended or a habit you thought you'd broken? Fear not, for fear is Saturn's forte and this is precisely what we need to be confronting at this time: our fears. Particularly if these fears are holding us back in any way, which is of course what happens when fear subdues us!
Saturn is tough but wise, stern and demanding but only because he knows we have the potential for greatness. He can see this potential and knows that sometimes we must push through pain and strife to get there. Right now we may be pushing through some emotional turmoil, as Saturn trudges through the murky depths of Scorpio. It's likely that whatever obstacles or challenges you're confronting, they're emotional in nature or have roots in unresolved feelings. Fear is a powerful feeling and perhaps the hardest to overcome. In addition, Saturn can be a bit of a hermit, erecting walls and preferring solitude, normally resulting in loneliness, melancholy and pessimism. So be wary if you start to experience these feelings, don't let your Saturn boundaries cut you off from others or feel as if you have to go through this alone. Take time, be kind to yourself and of course to others, who are very likely having similar experiences. And most importantly, reach out for assistance.
Saturn is giving us until mid-July to finish our resit and he appreciates patience and effort, so keep persevering and the rewards will come. There could be a sense of relief or a final resolution on the horizon by July. Whatever the challenge(s), it will likely be a thing of the past by October, when Saturn reaches the point where he first turned back. If not, it will at least take a back seat until he decides it's time for another revisit!
As if one hardcore deity isn't enough, Uranus and Pluto are also in the mix at present. These two heavyweights are battling it out in a series of seven matches, which began in 2012 and will end in 2015. We're currently witnessing their third encounter so we know what to expect by now, at least in theory. Tension builds slowly and then all of a sudden (just how Uranus likes it) things start to come crashing down (Pluto's handiwork). These issues are more likely to be collective concerns, in other words affecting a group or population or even playing out on the world stage, such as an economic crisis, rebellion or civil war or natural disaster. Nevertheless, such issues also impact us individually in different ways and could be adding to our Saturn stress now. Like Saturn, though, Uranus and Pluto are essentially working together for necessary transformation - no one said it would be easy!
Uranus is in fiery, passionate Aries who's full of zest and rather impatient - an explosive combination. The theme here is a drive for independence, irresistible urges to break free and a strong desire for immediate new experiences. Unfortunately, many of us are not in the position to make such instant or exciting changes. And it's frightening to break out of our routines, as well as liberating. But we can't just up and leave a job if it's our only source of income, we can't walk out of a relationship without affecting others or leave our place of residence without consequences. This makes Uranus very upset and he won't give up pushing for something different and fresh. It's possible to start implementing changes though, showing Uranus that we're at least taking steps towards new horizons. Or maybe just simple changes in our daily lives can suffice, like taking an alternative route home from work, trying a new hobby, listening to different music or sampling a foreign cuisine - it's that familiar lesson of breaking old habits. The desire for freedom will be different for everyone, some will feel it more deeply than others. Obviously if one is living in an oppressed state it will be a significant time of change, compared to someone who has a comfortable life and is just feeling a little stifled. But all of it is important for our evolution.
Finally we come to Pluto, in sensible, serious Capricorn. This is where we see changes taking place on a global scale. So as well as experiencing our own personal transformations we're being spun around, quite literally, in a world that's rapidly changing. Anyone dizzy yet? Try to hold on because we've just over another two years before this ride ends. Pluto represents power, Capricorn control; a lot of forces in our world have learned to utilise power and control for their own agendas, including individual ego's and groups of ego's working as one unit, manifesting in governments, industries and corporations that can exploit and influence us. Many of us play along unwittingly or remain unaware, perhaps too busy caught up in our own experiences. At this time, many corrupt Plutonian forces are being exposed and beginning to collapse, having served their original purpose or indeed become their own undoing. This gives Uranus a chance to step in and fight for individual freedom and collective freedom - he's a humanitarian at heart after all! This is an age of increasing information and access to information previously hidden. It's perhaps up to each of us to take responsibility now in waking up and saying 'no more' to unjust and unfair regimes. It's a time of uniting with like-minded souls and giving power to new voices. Controlling others through oppression is not the way forward and now we have the chance to use control in more constructive ways, to benefit all. It's not an overnight transformation but Pluto certainly takes his time to orbit so we can expect to be in for the long-haul.
Although this remains a largely challenging time, there are glimpses of hope, flashes of inspiration and moments of bliss. And we are free to enjoy these periods of respite, as we march on individually and together in our quest to transform.
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