Chiron: the wounded healer
It feels like we’re living in tumultuous times. The 21st Century is presenting its fair share of problems for humanity, though our mindset appears to be shifting towards a more scientific viewpoint - perhaps in the hopes that it will save us from our ongoing and emerging challenges. Yet there’s no doubt astrology is enjoying a resurgence, as it often has done throughout history, particularly with Gen Z. The reason may be just as surprising, in that it’s fulfilling our need for a shared mythology, something that dominated society for millennia before religion came along. But in a largely scientific world, why would mythology (like religion) continue to have any relevance or meaning for us? The answer is that its value goes far deeper than we might think.
can open the door to greater self-awareness and insight, by encouraging us to
analyse ourselves, specifically our behaviours and motives, even if that's only
based on mythology. Astro-lingo has become quite commonplace on social media,
finding its way into everyday language, with phrases like ‘Mercury’s in
Retrograde’ or ‘What Moon phase is it?’ no longer sounding out of the ordinary.
Although astrology has been studied and developed over millennia, it
continually evolves to suit each generation, with depths of which most of us
will remain casually unaware. Lurking in those depths is perhaps a little-known
planetoid named Chiron, which despite its size and apparent insignificance, can
lend us a great deal of helpful advice and insight in astrology.
What exactly is Chiron? It begins with mythology, as it so often does, in this case the Greeks. Chiron was a half-man/half-horse, more commonly known as a centaur, rather infamous creatures known for their lust, indulgence and unintelligence. But unlike all the other centaurs, Chiron was caring, cultured and smart and quite skilled in medicine, healing, teaching and astrology. But despite his talents, he had quite an unpleasant upbringing. When the god Cronos (Saturn) took a liking to a beautiful nymph named Philyra, daughter of the sea gods, she was unimpressed and turned herself into a horse to avoid the god’s advances. But Cronos cleverly disguised himself as a mare and successfully mated with her. The result was Chiron, whose appearance repulsed Philyra and she sadly abandoned him. Despite this tragedy, Chiron was blessed with immortality (being the son of a god) and grew to be a great tutor, with many famous students including Jason, Hercules and Achilles.
Most of us have perhaps heard of the term Achilles Heel, which means a principal weakness. This is because Achilles had been immersed in the river Styx, by his mother Thetis, hoping that he would become immortal. But because he was dipped in by his foot, this part of his body remained vulnerable and when he was later wounded by an arrow that struck his heel, it would never heal. Chiron suffered a similar fate, after he was wounded by an arrow to the leg that had been coated in the blood of the Hydra (a vicious water beast with several heads), which also resulted in a permanent wound. Ironically, despite being a master of the healing arts, Chiron could never heal his own wound and so, being immortal, he was doomed to live an eternity with his injury.
He later sacrificed his immortality, in a noble act to save Prometheus, who was punished by the god Zeus for revealing the secret of fire to mankind. This allowed Chiron to escape his eternal wound and he was commemorated through the constellation Centaurus. Like the mythological counterpart, the planetoid Chiron shares similarities to its origin story. It is a slightly battered, half-planet, half-asteroid that nevertheless defiantly orbits the Sun between Saturn (Cronos) and Uranus.
In astrology, Chiron has come to represent healing, teaching, bravery and strength and of course our primary weakness or downfall. From 2005 to around 2011, Chiron was in the Zodiac Sign of Aquarius, which concerned our ‘wounded community’ and individual issues of how our thoughts create and control our feelings. Then, from 2011 to 2018, it moved through the Zodiac Sign of Pisces, heralding an opportunity for healing our collective wounds, primarily through alternative and complimentary practices and therapies. Chiron in this Sign also promoted empathy and kindness, with opportunities for many of us to become more benevolent and charitable. In 2019, Chiron began a new cycle by returning to the first Zodiac Sign of Aries, which coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic and an unprecedented time for humanity regarding illness and weakness, requiring us to embrace the youthful and fighting spirit of Aries – though rather than uniting humanity it resulted in division, with many seeking to retain their independence and acting out of self-interest rather than collective well-being.
Below is a guide to what you can learn about Chiron in each of the Signs, so check your birth chart for its placement and find out what it means for you. (Several apps and websites offer basic chart drawings that should include Chiron. Alternatively you might be able to intuit your Chiron placement by reading from the following descriptions.)
If you were born when Chiron was in the first
sign of the Zodiac, you will likely contend with a surplus of energy that needs
to be burned up and a desire to accomplish every job you commence. But fleeting
enthusiasm and a tendency to act without forethought can be common pitfalls. It
may be hard for you to allocate tasks and share responsibilities and you may
often feel restless in the search for your true identity. However you can
discover your inner hero through healthy competitions, such as in sport and
accepting every challenge to win and succeed. You may show false bravery to
cover your secret insecurities. But Chiron wants you to dig deeper, be honest
and find your real courage by facing your fears with control and caution.
When Chiron occupies the first House of your
chart, you may be something of an exhibitionist or display a bit of bravado.
Hasty and forceful action comes naturally and feelings and emotions can be
sharp and delicate, often expressed impulsively and passionately. However,
outbreaks of powerful emotion can be overpowering and all of this may just be a
front to conceal your inner fears. Chiron here says you are a prospective
leader, with the ability and energy to influence others – just be sure not to
abuse such a gift for selfish reasons. You can gain positive direction in life
through a hobby or career that you love.
Chiron in the sign of the Bull points to a
strange sense of never feeling successful or secure enough, no matter how much
money or possessions you acquire. A controlling or materialistic attitude can
develop - tendencies you must learn to release. Chiron asks that you perhaps
change your definition of what true wealth means, to give more of yourself,
help those less fortunate or even make sacrifices. A healthy diet or eating
regime is very important when Chiron falls here, as is looking after the body.
Discovering your physical weaknesses is essential, so that you may learn to
heal. You may have a subtle sexual charisma and creative and artistic work is
especially enjoyable.
With Chiron in your second House, you will find
that self-assurance comes through developing a strong sense of security and
material gain. But you will most likely have to contend with a judgmental
nature and the risk of becoming conceited with your triumphs and focused on
superficial values. There is a tendency here to be rather obstinate in refusing
to accept others’ opinions and people consequently may feel uneasy around you.
Chiron wishes you to practice humility, become more conscious of your behaviour
and choose love, warmth and kindness over greed and selfishness.
Chiron lends a strong mentality, intelligence
and endless curiosity when he is in Gemini. You are perhaps someone who
constantly asks questions and seeks to learn. However negativity can prevent
you from communicating freely and you may repress your natural inquisitiveness,
for instance, if you were often silenced as a child. Chiron wishes you to ask yourself questions, to develop your
feelings and get to know the real you. You may find you experience
synchronicity often and have a deep desire to beget changes. By being brave and
using your communication skills, you can help others to improve and become more
conscious of certain issues affecting their lives.
With Chiron in House three of your chart, you
can be quite a cynical and guarded person.
You may prefer your own ideas but making these a reality will often
prove challenging. It may seem that you are always searching for answers and
having to learn from your mistakes, which is difficult because you do not like
to admit to being wrong. So you may frequently try to validate your blunders,
become fanatical about minor details or feel under pressure. An ability to
manipulate others or win people over with words should be avoided. Chiron asks
that you perhaps learn to use your communication skills to teach others what
you know.
Chiron here points to prominent feelings. Being
part of a family, group or club or simply having a strong sense of belonging is
crucial to your wellbeing. A structured environment will also make you feel
safe whereas anything new, startling or strange can make you feel vulnerable
and weak. A good career may provide further stability and you ca be very
obliging in work. But, at times, you may give more than is required. You like
your private life and may often retreat from the social world. Being sensitive
to the suffering of others, you must learn to be open to emotional support.
Chiron asks that you release nostalgic tendencies and attachment to your past.
A dislike of others’ independence means that you need to be brave in developing
your own sense of autonomy.
Chiron in this House points to someone who is
susceptible to powerful feelings that can be dark and worrying. You may be
afraid to do your own thing and be independent, suggesting a lack of
self-confidence that constricts your actions. Chiron wishes you to overcome
these fears. You are a true humanitarian, aware of the suffering of others and
wishing to help. But, it seems, coping with your own inner conflicts is
difficult, as you face a struggle between boundaries and free expression.
Chiron’s lesson is to call upon your inner strengths and be open to receiving
support from others whilst enjoying the freedom of independence.
With Chiron in this regal sign, you are likely
to find yourself centre of attention – whether that’s good or bad! There is
much creative potential, even if you have no real talents; however your goals
in life may frequently feel stifled. Chiron asks that you find your forte and
constantly seek new interests that allow you to be productive. Indeed, creative
work will bring you much contentment if you learn to do it for pleasure rather
than adoration or to impress others. Women with this placement may often feel
disappointed by men and must learn from broken relationships not to attract the
same partners. Chiron instructs you to take charge in changing your life’s
direction instead of dwelling on setbacks.
There is a natural innocence and spontaneity
when Chiron resides here however quite often it has been repressed from
childhood, due to negative programming from authority figures like parents or
teachers. This either leads you to feel self-conscious or to act with distorted
pride. Nevertheless, a pure sense of awe and a great deal of creativity is at
your fingertips and requires urgent expression. Chiron wishes you to learn to
stand up for what you truly want in life and reject the ideals forced upon you
by elders. You will have opportunities to become self-aware, allowing you to
break free from your inhibitions or pretentiousness and then your life will
begin to improve.
The tendency to become a workaholic is
prominent with Chiron here. You often feel dominated by habits, schedules and a
need for precision but these compulsions must be released, as they can
adversely affect your health. Chiron advises you to try and perform your
everyday essential tasks with calm, ease and good management; disciplines such
as meditation or yoga can prove very effective. You likely possess natural
healing abilities and adopting kind, caring roles in your community, along with
guidance from a mentor, can provide much satisfaction whilst allowing you to
help those in need. You are intelligent and quick-witted but with a tendency to
be critical and cynical, in learning, Chiron suggests you think before you
Chiron highlights your methodical mind here and
gives you the skills to examine and study. And by learning to recognize and
evaluate the roots of your own inhibitions you can free yourself from habits;
however there is a risk of becoming obsessed with these problems. Chiron
advises you to search for what has gone wrong and why then employ whatever
tools necessary to move forward. Understanding how your body works and
prioritizing your wellbeing is vital, particularly in healing disease and
resolving negative conditions. Your body and mind must function in harmony and
although it is likely you will accomplish this feat, the assistance and
guidance of a metaphysical teacher is best advised.
A Libra Chiron focuses on relationships and
overcoming the fear of upsetting their balance and harmony. This fear creates
problems because you hold back on speaking openly and honestly with others, in
case you cause offence. Chiron tasks you with gaining true awareness of what it
takes to make a healthy relationship work by realizing that if others are upset
at you this is their choice. Learning to give as well as receive generates
greater harmony in any partnership but first you may have to release attachment
to past hurts and old resentments or being too polite and overly-considerate.
Show bravery by having clear-cut discussions about any relationship problems
and avoid provoking your partner deliberately simply because you enjoy
making-up. Your hidden strength lies in developing a sympathetic rapport with
others, leading to a sense of freedom, fairness and accord, essential for
mental and emotional fulfillment.
The primary risk with Chiron here is a tendency
to fuse so deeply with a partner that you loose your individuality. There is
typically an urge to commit rashly in relationships, which leads to heartbreak
and meaningless encounters. Chiron suggests you learn from your past
experiences, which will be difficult because you often see your partner as an
extension of your self. Continuing on this path will eventually lead to great
selfishness because ultimately you will repress your partner’s independence. In
such cases you will attract people who are vulnerable, weak or dependent
thereby submitting to your power and control. Chiron’s bravery and strength
comes into play by teaching you to be with a partner through selflessness and
unconditional love, setting your partner free so that he or she will return;
equality and sharing are essential.
Chiron in Scorpio tends to lend a rather
clear-cut outlook on life, seeing everything as either one or the other.
However it can also point to intense moods and emotional outbursts or acts of
ultra-bravery, creating an impervious front, which are all actually ways of
masking your deep insecurities and uncertainty. Chiron’s challenge can manifest
as a troublesome illness in early life or feelings of depression and
displacement and there could be a strong desire to be reborn. Chiron teaches
you to embrace your ambitious, competitive streak to become successful in
business. An intrinsic urge to be the boss can be tenderized through learning
to recognize others’ needs and feelings. Chiron asks you to step back from
extreme action and over-reaction, whilst your potent sexuality, passions and
charisma must not be abused but used as strengths.
The presence of Chiron in the eighth sector can
indicate a strong fixation with materiality, gain, sex, power and risk-taking.
In fact you may feel that nothing can stop the pursuit of your personal
desires. You may be a very private person preferring to keep secrets or you
could become quite submissive and cowering. Chiron teaches you to be a deeply
self-seeking soul and grants you a strong, latent psychic ability. With courage
and commitment this can become an extraordinary asset. Chiron reminds you to work
on taming or releasing the desires that threaten to consume you and once you
achieve this goal you will become a powerful force, using your authority for
the greater good of all.
When Chiron meets the Archer there is often an
overpowering urge to search, study and progress endlessly throughout life. And
if you do not find, or even know what you are looking for then this will lead
to a great deal of frustration. Chiron tasks you with finding a sure direction,
which will require learning to make wise judgments and overcoming the urge for
careless action. If you do not, you will constantly change your direction and
sabotage whatever you have achieved so far. Chiron wishes you to see that you
have much to offer and to courageously embrace the lessons that teach you about
your true self. Then you will achieve a sense of inner harmony and wholeness.
The pursuit of information and enlightenment
can be rather overwhelming when Chiron falls here. This results in anxiety and
stress, preventing your from assimilating whatever it is you are trying to
learn and from sharing it with others. Stubborn or rigid beliefs and views will
have to be relinquished if you wish to learn Chiron’s wisdom and achieve
balance in life. You will likely undergo extensive changes in your thinking and
by the journeys you take because of a very daring and adventurous nature. There
may well have been disagreements with your parents or authority over religious
matters and consequently you will either venerate your spirituality or abandon
it entirely.
With Chiron here you are perceived as very
dependable and have the ability to instill great confidence in others. However
you may become too fixated on the material or business world, elevating
yourself to levels where others will admire you. Chiron suggests you take great
care when undertaking such roles because you can easily loose control. There
may have been difficulties with your father or harsh authority figures when
growing up, leading to certain inhibitions. Until these problems are healed you
will not feel free nor be able to fully express your strengths, such as
ambition and fortitude. Chiron reminds you there is plenty of time to achieve
these goals and that you will never give up on your ideals or attaining your
Chiron invariably brings your attention to the
future from this House. You will frequently feel compelled to embrace all that
is unique and alternative, whilst not upsetting old conventions, always aiming
for what you feel is appropriate and just. This can make you a very pleasant
and attractive person, but your penchant for trying to help those you perceive
as hapless may lead to resentment when they do not achieve similar success. You
may be very drawn to roles of authority and will have the power to gain
successful control. But Chiron asks you to embrace this love of leadership with
a positive, humanitarian attitude, using creativity and practicality to
influence worthwhile causes.
Chiron works well here with his healing
abilities in affording you the same gift. A strong positive attitude helps you
to manage any sickness and recover quickly, although the downtime can give you
necessary space for self-analysis. Instead of disregarding your flaws, Chiron
teaches you to accept them and this will lead to victory. You may have problems
accepting others people’s views on life and more so if you perceive them as
being less intelligent. There can also be a fear of commitment and you cannot
stand anyone confining you, as your sense of personal freedom is highly valued
and this can encourage sexual liberty. Chiron asks that you learn to respect
others’ differences and remain open to finding the ‘right’ partner for you, by
promoting balance in any relationship; otherwise you can exile yourself from a
life shared with someone else.
In this House Chiron highlights the great
importance of setting aside ‘me-time’; in other words, you need to create a
space for yourself, physically, emotionally and mentally. This will allow you
to get in touch with your unique and innovative thoughts and theories. You also
need to bring order and concrete realism to your ideas and avoid being vague or
impractical, if you wish to make progress. Chiron’s lesson here is learning to
accept fair criticisms and to turn arguments into healthy debates; otherwise you
can end up the loser. You have what it takes to show the way, with a friendly
nature, vibrant charisma and morals and values that will likely appeal to the
Chiron sits strongly in the final sign of the
Zodiac. He encourages continual learning and study, granting you great intelligence,
wisdom and a passion for spirituality. However this can clash with the mundane
material world and practical tasks of daily life. Dispelling confusion and
organizing your thoughts can be difficult because you prefer to work from your
emotions, whilst commitments to your loved ones can be neglected because of an
irresistible urge to help others. This can drain your energy and cause you to
make personal sacrifices. Chiron suggests you allow time to focus on your own
needs, such as your exceptional creative talents. New Age paths or alternative
therapies can offer great healing, which you can then use to aid others. And by
establishing a strong sense of direction in life, you will eventually discover
and heal your own wounds.
If you have Chiron in the last House of your
chart, there are likely to be periods of dissatisfaction and a sense of
inferiority. These can prove difficult to understand and as a result you may
isolate yourself at times, to deal with your hurt. You may be drawn to negative
escapism but it is essential you avoid such behavior when feeling sad, or there
could be resultant problems. Chiron gives you a powerful imagination, which you
can use effectively in creative or artistic works to express your feelings, but
encouragement may be required from others. Chiron also suggests you consider
studying esoteric and metaphysical disciplines, which can prove greatly
beneficial in improving your courage and strength. But ensure you seek the
guidance of a skilled mentor and be wary of the Achille’s heel to exploit your
special gifts for selfish or ulterior motives.
Chiron himself may not be around to teach us his wisdom, but we can follow his passage in our astrological birth charts. Here, he points the way to greater insight about our personal life lessons - how we can become braver, embrace our strengths, heal and manage our weaknesses. And by doing so we learn to contribute our best to humanity, with a sense of purpose and value, in these revolutionary times.
A depiction of how Chiron might look with its small ring system. |
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