Zodiac Sign FITs (Flower, Insect, Tree)
Astrology is a diverse subject that goes beyond exploring our personalities, behaviors, relationships and forecasting potential futures. The Zodiac Signs have many associations and correspondences, including those found in the natural world. Below are the Zodiac Sign FITs - flowers, insects, and trees associated with each Sign and what they mean. ARIES (March 21 - April 19) 🥀 FLOWER 🥀 Honeysuckle: Symbolizes renewal and energy. 🐜 INSECT 🐜 Firefly: Represents enthusiasm and dynamism. 🌳 TREE 🌳 Eucalyptus: Stands for independence and courage. **** TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) 🥀 FLOWER 🥀 Poppy: Symbolizes natural beauty and tradition. 🐜 INSECT 🐜 Bee: Represents hard work and perseverance. 🌳 TREE 🌳 Oak: Stands for strength and experience. **** GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) 🥀 FLOWER 🥀 Lavender: Symbolizes versatility and frivolity. 🐜 INSECT 🐜 Butterfly: Represents trans...