
Showing posts from July, 2024

A Collective Paradigm Shift - Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius

♄➡️♓    ♇➡️ ♒ March 2023 marked a significant turning point for humanity, particularly for those individuals ready and willing to embrace change, as we experience two major shifts in planetary transits. Saturn, planet of boundaries, structure, limitations, and endings, moves from Aquarius into the last Zodiac Sign of Pisces, while Pluto, planet of completion, destruction, transformation and rebirth, moves from Capricorn into Aquarius. Together, this pair symbolises an important shift in our collective awareness, as well as our attitudes, beliefs and priorities in the coming years and decades.  Saturn in Pisces  ♄➡️♓ Saturn moved into Pisces on March 7th 2023, where it will stay until May 2025. It had been in Aquarius since 2020, one of its home Signs that it traditionally ruled along with Capricorn, where it felt quite comfortable and coincided with the implementation of new structures (and certain endings) in the fields of technology, science and humanitarianism. Wi...