
The Seasonal Zodiac

The seasonal cycle determines the Seasonal Zodiac Signs, used in Tropical astrology, which always begin with Aries on the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The word "tropical" comes from the Greek   tropikos,  meaning "turn". This refers to the furthest northern and southern latitude points where the Sun a ppears to pause and change direction, or turn in its annual motion, from our perspective on Earth. Each season has 3 Zodiac Signs, further divided by elements and qualities. Note how the Cardinal quality, the Signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn, always begin each season. The Fixed quality of Signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, are set in the middle and fully embody each season. The Mutable quality, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, are the fluid Signs that represent the transition from one season to the next. Illustration of the Tropical Zodiac Signs within the seasonal cycle of the Northern Hemisphere . The Seasonal, or Tropical Zodi...

Zodiac Sign FITs (Flower, Insect, Tree)

Astrology is a diverse subject that goes beyond exploring our personalities, behaviors, relationships and forecasting potential futures. The Zodiac Signs have many associations and correspondences, including those found in the natural world. Below are the Zodiac Sign FITs - flowers, insects, and trees associated with each Sign and what they mean.   ARIES   (March 21 - April 19) 🥀 FLOWER 🥀 Honeysuckle:  Symbolizes renewal and energy. 🐜 INSECT 🐜 Firefly:   Represents  enthusiasm and dynamism. 🌳 TREE 🌳 Eucalyptus:   Stands for  independence and courage. ****   TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) 🥀 FLOWER 🥀   Poppy: Symbolizes natural beauty and tradition. 🐜 INSECT 🐜 Bee: Represents hard work and perseverance. 🌳 TREE 🌳 Oak:   Stands for strength and experience. ****   GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)     🥀 FLOWER 🥀   Lavender:   Symbolizes versatility and frivolity. 🐜 INSECT 🐜 Butterfly:   Represents trans...

Neptune in Aries 2025 - 2039: the next big shift.

Not that long ago, the big news in astrological circles was Pluto moving from Capricorn into Aquarius . But this ongoing shift is only one indication of the profound and significant changes taking place for humanity at this time, for another heavyweight planet is getting ready to change Signs next year... Neptune will be leaving its home Sign of Pisces at the very end of March 2025, after a 14-year stay. As Pisces is the last Sign of the zodiac, this marks the culmination of a 164-year cycle. Neptune will then begin a brand new cycle when it moves into tropical Aries on March 31st 2025, where it will remain until 2038/39.   As with most of the planets, especially the outer planets, Neptune will initially move back and forth between Aries and Pisces and then eventually between Aries and Taurus, due to its slow pace and retrograde periods.  Here are the key dates to look out for:  31st March - 22nd October 2025: Neptune in Aries. 23rd October 2025 - 27th February 2026...

Seasonal Traits of the Tropical Zodiac Signs

The Signs of the Tropical Zodiac are based on the cycle of the seasons. It always begins with Aries on the Spring Equinox, in the northern hemisphere, with three Signs per season. Each Sign expresses different characteristics of its season. The Tropical Zodiac is more commonly used in astrology today, particularly in the Western world. The Sidereal Zodiac is an alternative that aligns the Signs with the constellations after which they are named. However, as the Earth rotates on its axis over time, the constellations shift and no longer align with the original 12 Signs. The constellations also differ in size, rather than being 12 equal divisions, while portions of other constellations stretch into the band of the zodiac (which is why we sometimes see stories about a 13th Sign - or more). The Tropical Zodiac makes more sense because it's based on the seasons, which have both a direct and subtle influence on our lives (perhaps more so in the past, when we relied on the weather and sea...

A Collective Paradigm Shift - Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius

♄➡️♓    ♇➡️ ♒ March 2023 marked a significant turning point for humanity, particularly for those individuals ready and willing to embrace change, as we experience two major shifts in planetary transits. Saturn, planet of boundaries, structure, limitations, and endings, moves from Aquarius into the last Zodiac Sign of Pisces, while Pluto, planet of completion, destruction, transformation and rebirth, moves from Capricorn into Aquarius. Together, this pair symbolises an important shift in our collective awareness, as well as our attitudes, beliefs and priorities in the coming years and decades.  Saturn in Pisces  ♄➡️♓ Saturn moved into Pisces on March 7th 2023, where it will stay until May 2025. It had been in Aquarius since 2020, one of its home Signs that it traditionally ruled along with Capricorn, where it felt quite comfortable and coincided with the implementation of new structures (and certain endings) in the fields of technology, science and humanitarianism. Wi...