
Showing posts from October, 2024

The Seasonal Zodiac

The seasonal cycle determines the Seasonal Zodiac Signs, used in Tropical astrology, which always begin with Aries on the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The word "tropical" comes from the Greek   tropikos,  meaning "turn". This refers to the furthest northern and southern latitude points where the Sun a ppears to pause and change direction, or turn in its annual motion, from our perspective on Earth. Each season has 3 Zodiac Signs, further divided by elements and qualities. Note how the Cardinal quality, the Signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn, always begin each season. The Fixed quality of Signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, are set in the middle and fully embody each season. The Mutable quality, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, are the fluid Signs that represent the transition from one season to the next. Illustration of the Tropical Zodiac Signs within the seasonal cycle of the Northern Hemisphere . The Seasonal, or Tropical Zodi...