
Showing posts from June, 2017

Jupiter Direct - Progress and Hope

The Full Moon on June 9th, 2017, coincided with another astronomical and astrological event - Jupiter, king of the planets, at an apparent standstill. From today onwards, it will slowly resume direct motion, from East to West, across the night sky. Of course, Jupiter is always orbiting the Sun in one direction, just like the rest of the bodies in the Solar System. But now and again, when observed from our earthly perspective, it appears to move from West to East. This is known as retrograde motion, caused by differences in the speed of Earth's orbit to Jupiter's and can be seen in all the observable planets. Jupiter entered retrograde motion on 6th February 2017. In astrology, a retrograde planet generally signifies delays and disappointments, challenges and obstructions, setbacks and defeat. However, it is also an ideal time to review and rethink our plans, to take stock and readjust our course or simply rest and recuperate. Each planet represents a different theme when retro...