
Showing posts from March, 2015

The Next Lunar Eclipse - Reclaiming the Shadow

On April 04, 2015, a lunar eclipse will occur. This is part of a current series of four (known as a Tetrad - four consecutive total lunar eclipses with six Full Moons in between). These eclipses have coincided with the culmination of other intense planetary happenings, namely the Uranus-Pluto Square series that peaked recently (March 2015). The 2014/15 Lunar Eclipse Tetrad is in the Zodiac Signs of Aries and Libra. It is indicative of our individual and collective struggles, as we each come to terms with our own pain and the shared suffering of our fellow humans. Through these experiences, we encounter a sort of personal rebirth and ultimately the whole of the human race evolves greater awareness and insight. Astronomically, a lunar eclipse happens when the Moon is positioned directly behind the Earth and thus in its shadow, unable to reflect any sunlight. Lunar eclipses are visible anywhere on the night-side of the Earth. (There are variations including total, partial and penumbral...

The Cycle Completes - the Final Uranus-Pluto Square

Back in the Summer of 2012, a cosmic dance began between two planetary bodies. This symbolic relationship, from our earthly perspective, indicated a period of great upheaval and ultimately transformation. Uranus and Pluto, gods of dramatic and encompassing change, entered a series of seven encounters that are known to signify powerful and tense events on Earth, such as revolutions and conflicts, uprisings and social reform. We are now approaching the final encounter, of this current cycle, the final confrontation. Just as before, tensions have been rising and this is evident not only in world news but also in our individual lives. Some might be experiencing familiar and uncomfortable feelings of anxiety and agitation, a sensation of being constricted or oppressed, which might not have any obvious source and the resurfacing of old issues and conditions. This can all be quite confusing and unsettling, particularly if we can't see how to resolve our turmoil and relieve the pressure...