
Showing posts from December, 2014

The Penultimate Trial - the sixth Uranus-Pluto Square

The last couple of years have been quite intense and challenging for many. The current set of Uranus-Pluto Squares really took off in 2012, when many thought a doomsday prophecy might actually come to pass. Instead we had a bit of a flop, an almost undetectable shift that nonetheless started the ball rolling for this current phase of change, transition, revolution - whatever you wish to call it. The last time we had a taster of such colossal change in society, in the swinging Sixties, a less extreme but still useful series of Conjunctions took place between Uranus and Pluto, which coincided with a social revolution. Prior to that a series of Squares occurred between 1928-1934 - the years preceding World War 2. Indeed Uranus and Pluto together are often thought to symbolise destruction and conflict, social justice and reform, breaking down old conventions and rules and replacing them with fresh alternatives that better serve the people. Not something that can happen overnight! So w...