
Showing posts from October, 2014

October Lunar Eclipse in Aries-Libra - Self vs Others

Today, October 8 th , 2014, is a Lunar Eclipse. But not just any eclipse, for this one marks the second of four in a row otherwise known by the odd name 'Tetrad' (four consecutive total lunar eclipses with six Full Moons in between.) The 2014/15 Tetrad occurs in the Zodiac Signs of Aries and Libra, with the next two due on April 4 th 2015, and September 28 th 2015 (the first was on April 15th 2014).  Astronomically, a total lunar eclipse happens when the Moon is positioned directly behind the Earth and thus in its shadow, unable to reflect any sunlight. Lunar eclipses are visible anywhere on the night-side of the Earth. (There are also partial and penumbral eclipses, when part of the Moon passes through the Earth's shadow or is merely dimmed by it.) Lunar eclipses in astrology often symbolise a time of crisis, specifically emotional because of the Moon's association with our mood and feelings. We can think of an eclipse as our emotional characte...