
Showing posts from August, 2014

Kundalini Rising - the Serpent as Villain or Saviour?

Humanity, it seems, is in the throes of rapid change. We are in a new age that is seeing our consciousness evolve and unfold at an increasing rate. Many of us now have access to more information than at any other time in known history. We're processing more than ever before and consequently propelling ourselves forward through greater knowledge and shared insight. But why now? And where is it all leading? Are we merely overloading our minds with banal facts and useless data? Or are we expanding our collective awareness, enabling a better understanding of our existence and place in the Universe? To find out, we need to journey right back to some of the first stories told by our ancestors and the imagery and themes they used, specifically that of the serpent The Serpent What do you think of when you see the image of a snake? What ideas or beliefs come to mind? Chances are they will be associated with temptation, cunning, deceit, danger, vengeful behaviour and even the concept of...