
Showing posts from June, 2014

The Lunar Eclipse Tetrad and You

On April 15, 2014, a total lunar eclipse occurred. Nothing out of the ordinary, except that it was the first of four consecutive total lunar eclipses with six Full Moons in between. This is known as a Tetrad. The 2014/15 Tetrad will occur in the Zodiac Signs of Aries and Libra, with the three remaining eclipses due on October 8 2014, April 4 2015, and September 28 2015.  These eclipses coincide with an already tense series of aspects between Uranus and Pluto , known as squares, which also culminates in 2015. These squares are indicative of upheaval and turmoil in society and culture, which ultimately lead to necessary revolution. The lunar eclipses, as part of this process, are indicative of our individual and collective struggles, as we each come to terms with our own pain and also the shared suffering of our fellow inhabitants on planet Earth. Through these experiences we encounter a sort of personal rebirth and ultimately the whole of the human race evolves, in time, greater...