Tense Times - the next Uranus-Pluto Square
Life might well be feeling tense again, as if someone or something is slowly twisting our nerves into a tight braid. Indeed, this should be familiar ground for most of us by now because we've been here four times in the recent past(1). Two planets - or if you want to be an astronomical stickler, a planet and a dwarf planet, have been locked in a temperamental tango since 2012. Uranus, instigator of change, revolution, progress and freedom is forming a series of Squares with Pluto, small but powerful and the signifier of upheaval and destruction that leads to rebirth and transformation. This can be an explosive combination at any time but the Square aspect is known to present challenges and obstacles and to be a little testy. Consequently, a series of seven Squares between these two planetary gods is more than eventful for the human race. At present, we are inexorably approaching the fifth Uranus-Pluto Square, exact on April 21st (the next two will occur in December 2014 and Ma...