
Showing posts from February, 2014

Journeys with the god

God is a word that still holds a lot of power. What does it bring to mind for you? Most people probably still think of god in the monotheistic sense, such as the Hebrew or Muslim god. It's difficult for some to relate to this notion of god now, one that perhaps seems too stern, overbearing, judgmental or dated. There is of course the goddess too, much revered in prehistoric times, such as the Venus figurines and other voluptuous statuettes dating as far back as 40,000 years. Many still have a relationship with god through organised religions but perhaps not the goddess, whereas those exploring alternative paths and faiths might no longer relate to god but have embraced the re-emerging goddess.  The concept of god and goddess can be related to the masculine and feminine aspects of the self. Psychologically it's healthy to seek a balance between the two. The goddess can be found in the land all around us, the Mother or Earth goddess; just by going out and spending time connectin...