
Showing posts from 2014

The Penultimate Trial - the sixth Uranus-Pluto Square

The last couple of years have been quite intense and challenging for many. The current set of Uranus-Pluto Squares really took off in 2012, when many thought a doomsday prophecy might actually come to pass. Instead we had a bit of a flop, an almost undetectable shift that nonetheless started the ball rolling for this current phase of change, transition, revolution - whatever you wish to call it. The last time we had a taster of such colossal change in society, in the swinging Sixties, a less extreme but still useful series of Conjunctions took place between Uranus and Pluto, which coincided with a social revolution. Prior to that a series of Squares occurred between 1928-1934 - the years preceding World War 2. Indeed Uranus and Pluto together are often thought to symbolise destruction and conflict, social justice and reform, breaking down old conventions and rules and replacing them with fresh alternatives that better serve the people. Not something that can happen overnight! So w...

The World as a Mirror - the evolution of the soul

Do you find yourself asking, why am I faced with the same old issues, the same patterns or lessons that keep repeating? Maybe it's the same faces that keep popping up or certain types of people who challenge or intrigue you? Are you drifting from companions, loosing cherished connections or feeling less compatible with certain friends or partners or unable to remain in favourable circumstances? Could there be something wholly responsible? Think of the people who are most important to you at present, the people with whom you choose to spend most of your time; friends, family, colleagues a partner. And even those people who right now are causing distress in your life but from whom you cannot seem to escape or avoid. Now imagine that these people are mirrors. Not the usual sort, not that you can literally see yourself when you look at them - at least not your physical self. But they are mirrors for your soul. And if you don't believe in having a soul then as mirrors for your cur...

October Lunar Eclipse in Aries-Libra - Self vs Others

Today, October 8 th , 2014, is a Lunar Eclipse. But not just any eclipse, for this one marks the second of four in a row otherwise known by the odd name 'Tetrad' (four consecutive total lunar eclipses with six Full Moons in between.) The 2014/15 Tetrad occurs in the Zodiac Signs of Aries and Libra, with the next two due on April 4 th 2015, and September 28 th 2015 (the first was on April 15th 2014).  Astronomically, a total lunar eclipse happens when the Moon is positioned directly behind the Earth and thus in its shadow, unable to reflect any sunlight. Lunar eclipses are visible anywhere on the night-side of the Earth. (There are also partial and penumbral eclipses, when part of the Moon passes through the Earth's shadow or is merely dimmed by it.) Lunar eclipses in astrology often symbolise a time of crisis, specifically emotional because of the Moon's association with our mood and feelings. We can think of an eclipse as our emotional characte...

Kundalini Rising - the Serpent as Villain or Saviour?

Humanity, it seems, is in the throes of rapid change. We are in a new age that is seeing our consciousness evolve and unfold at an increasing rate. Many of us now have access to more information than at any other time in known history. We're processing more than ever before and consequently propelling ourselves forward through greater knowledge and shared insight. But why now? And where is it all leading? Are we merely overloading our minds with banal facts and useless data? Or are we expanding our collective awareness, enabling a better understanding of our existence and place in the Universe? To find out, we need to journey right back to some of the first stories told by our ancestors and the imagery and themes they used, specifically that of the serpent The Serpent What do you think of when you see the image of a snake? What ideas or beliefs come to mind? Chances are they will be associated with temptation, cunning, deceit, danger, vengeful behaviour and even the concept of...

The Lunar Eclipse Tetrad and You

On April 15, 2014, a total lunar eclipse occurred. Nothing out of the ordinary, except that it was the first of four consecutive total lunar eclipses with six Full Moons in between. This is known as a Tetrad. The 2014/15 Tetrad will occur in the Zodiac Signs of Aries and Libra, with the three remaining eclipses due on October 8 2014, April 4 2015, and September 28 2015.  These eclipses coincide with an already tense series of aspects between Uranus and Pluto , known as squares, which also culminates in 2015. These squares are indicative of upheaval and turmoil in society and culture, which ultimately lead to necessary revolution. The lunar eclipses, as part of this process, are indicative of our individual and collective struggles, as we each come to terms with our own pain and also the shared suffering of our fellow inhabitants on planet Earth. Through these experiences we encounter a sort of personal rebirth and ultimately the whole of the human race evolves, in time, greater...