
Showing posts from October, 2013

Seeking Meaning in Existence

What is the meaning of life , indeed, of existence ? It’s a question probably as old as our race. Maybe it’s a question that only arose because of our race? Yet no one has ever found the answer, although many have found a truth that suits them. Old Texts , New Thoughts R eligious texts, such as the  B ible,  at one time purported to have all the answers. Nothing much had to be questioned  - and in fact should not be questioned -  because everything was explained in  these comprehensive tomes . S ome insist  on keeping these views alive, perhaps   due to valuable morals but also from a  reluctan ce  to  let go of beliefs and practices that once served a purpose .  Maintaining  beliefs  also provide s  a sense of  comfort, security and familiarity. New ways of thinking and believing can be daunting, frightening an d difficult for some to embrace  yet for others  they’re  exciting, full of...

Thoughts on Origin

Where did it all begin?  Perhaps a m ore  pertinent question is  how did it all begin? And why?  Maybe it  isn't  all that relevant; we’re here and living life and that’s all that matters. It seems, though, I'm a little too curious… Point of  the  Unknown There is always going to be a point of unknown, a point of mystery. This is the point from which life and existence, as we know it, emerged. None of us know what existed beforehand, if anything or if it’s possible for nothing to have existed. For then where did everything originate; a big bang, a Metaverse, a parallel Universe or dimension? If so, where, how and why did  they  originate? Maybe everything was created by some grand, overseeing deity who was simply just bored? I remember, as a child, staring out my bedroom one day and thinking, what would happen if the ground disappeared? There’d be more earth underneath. But w hat w ould happen if the Earth disapp...