Seeking Meaning in Existence
What is the meaning of life , indeed, of existence ? It’s a question probably as old as our race. Maybe it’s a question that only arose because of our race? Yet no one has ever found the answer, although many have found a truth that suits them. Old Texts , New Thoughts R eligious texts, such as the B ible, at one time purported to have all the answers. Nothing much had to be questioned - and in fact should not be questioned - because everything was explained in these comprehensive tomes . S ome insist on keeping these views alive, perhaps due to valuable morals but also from a reluctan ce to let go of beliefs and practices that once served a purpose . Maintaining beliefs also provide s a sense of comfort, security and familiarity. New ways of thinking and believing can be daunting, frightening an d difficult for some to embrace yet for others they’re exciting, full of...